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Equine Insurance for Piece of Mind with Taylor Perry Consulting

Investing yourself financially in the Equine Industry can be a massive financial commitment. That is why it is essential to give yourself the protection of taking out Equine Insurance cover on your four-legged friends. At Taylor Perry Insurance consulting we pride ourselves on providing top level service to our clients to give them the piece of mind that if the worst is to happen to their horse then they are financially protected. We offer insurance on all horse breeds both in the thoroughbred racing and sport horse industry. 

Insuring your horses with Taylor Perry Consulting is a simple and straightforward process. We love to work closely with our clients to ensure their needs are looked after. We work closely with vets when required to ensure the correct steps are taken in the event that your horse develops an illness or injury. By doing this we are ensuring that in the event of a claim we will have a detailed record of events that will allow for a seamless claim process. 

There are many different stages of a horses life and we can offer cover for all areas. It may be a foal that has just been born that requires insurance while it grows in the paddock over its first year of life. It could be a racehorse just purchased at the yearling or ready to race sales that requires cover during it’s racing career. Or it could be for life after racing, showjumping or eventing when it is time to become a parent. Broodmare and Stallion insurance cover will ensure your investment is protected during their journey to produce offspring that will continue on family lines for generations to come.